Overcoming - Negative Inner Dialogue - use your words wisely

chad smanjak forgive love Mar 14, 2019



Use your words wisely.

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences."  -Proverbs 18:21 
No doubt someone has hurt you, offended you, betrayed you, or slandered you… it's time to stop the cycle. Don’t lower yourself to their level and become another “accuser.” Don’t allow the inner negative dialogue to suck you in to that dark place.
Forgive.  Forgive yourself…It’s so difficult; especially when it keeps coming up; but we have to let it go… again, and again, if necessary. 
There’s a God in heaven who sees and knows and will see you through. Stay the course. 
So… how are you using your words? 
Are you speaking life or death?  We have a choice. I choose life. What do you choose?
Some of us had parents or adult role models in our life that screwed this up. They...
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Overcoming - Poverty Mentality



Do you have enough?

What’s the one thing no one in our generation seems to have today?
Enough Money. Enough likes on their instagram posts or enough followers.
People are buying into the idea that we are defined by what we have and what we do…not by who we are.
Thankfully, we have JESUS….The Bible tells us that our identity is not found in what we possess, it is found in who possesses us….Hallelujah. We are not enslaved by our possessions BUT rather set free by the blood of JESUS.
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” -1 Timothy 6:10
Let's understand:
  • Having money isn’t evil.
  • Loving money too much leads to evils.
  • Chasing money can lead you away from what matters most.
  • Chasing money can lead to self-inflicted wounds.
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Episode 1: Overcoming - Begin Again




"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” - Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:11)

Paul was clearly a confident believer and nothing could sway him.
But what happens when you’re visited by doubts…and fears…and anxiety…and failures...? What then?
I mean, we fought them off so many times. We had the counseling, got the help, practiced mindfulness, prayed a ton… But back in they creep. How do we deal with these unwelcome visitors then?
Simple...We begin again.
We refuse to be discouraged or give up.
Jesus never gave up on you when you were living in sin apart from God. When you were a dead man/woman walking the earth with no future.
No one gave up on you when you were learning to walk. “What a loser! He can’t put one foot in front of the other. Forget it. He’s bound to the stroller.” Nope. They kept helping you up…over and...
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